– Specialist in Otolaryngology (FMH)
– Ultrasound of the neck and thyroid (SSUM)
Florence Isenschmid was born in Chur and grew up in the Montreux region.
She studied medicine at the University of Lausanne, spent her sixth and ninth semesters at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Hospital la Charité, and her ninth and tenth semesters (practical courses) at various hospitals in German-speaking Switzerland.
She obtained her federal medical diploma in 2010 and became an FMH specialist in ENT in 2017 at the University Hospital of Lausanne.
In the course of her specialist training, Dr med Florence Isenschmid acquired in-depth knowledge in all areas of ENT and has authored and co-authored several publications in scientific journals in her speciality (paediatrics airways, ENT oncology).
ENT training
2010-2011 Assistant physician Surgery (neuro., -visceral, emergencies) Sion Cantonal Hospital.
2011-2012 Assistant ENT physician Sion Cantonal Hospital.
2012-2017 Assistant ENT physician University Hospital of Lausanne.
2017-2018 Senior physician ENT clinic Neuchâtel Cantonal Hospital.
2018-2022 Senior physician ENT clinic EOC Cantonal Hospital Bellinzona.
Examinations and qualifications
2010 Federal Diploma in Medicine at the University of Lausanne.
2017 Specialisation in Otolaryngology (FMH)
2021 Certificate of competence in sonography of the neck and thyroid (SSUM)
Since 2022 Collaboration with the University of Lugano (USI).
Italian, French, German, English (basic knowledge).